Adrian Cooke, the first of his name
I’m Adrian (he/him), a UX designer and web technologist based in Middletown, Connecticut. Walking is my favorite way to get around.
Get in touch
Contact me like it’s 1999 or 2019

About me
I live in Middletown (Mattabeseck), Connecticut with Elena the Convealer and a character known as Genie. By day I work on UX design at CivicActions. I also provide consulting services to clients who want to boost their website’s business performance.
I come from a place called Meanjin (“mee-AN-jin”). A few hundred years ago, a new bunch of people sailed in with prisoners, took over, and changed the name. As a result of that history, I’m interested in the idea that everyone has a point of view, but not necessarily the same power to share it.
The 90s run deep in my veins.